W Neil Adger, Juan M Pulhin, Jon Barnett, Geoffrey D Dabelko, Grete K Hovelsrud, Marc Levy, Ursula Oswald Spring, Coleen H Vogel
Publication date
Cambridge University Press
Human security will be progressively threatened as the climate changes (robust evidence, high agreement). Human insecurity almost never has single causes, but instead emerges from the interaction of multiple factors.{12.1. 2, 12.2} Climate change is an important factor threatening human security through (1) undermining livelihoods {12.2};(2) compromising culture and identity {12.3};(3) increasing migration that people would rather have avoided {12.4}; and (4) challenging the ability of states to provide the conditions necessary for human security.{12.6}
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Scholar articles
WN Adger, JM Pulhin, J Barnett, GD Dabelko… - 2014