John Brennan, Marcin Paprzycki, Violeta Holmes, Maria Ganzha, Ibad Kureshi, Michal Drozdowicz, Katarzyna Wasielewska
Publication date
The EGI Community Forum (EGICF)
In an effort to deliver HPC services to the research community at the University of Huddersfield, many grid middle wares have been deployed in parallel to asses their effectiveness and efficiency along with their user friendliness. With a disparate community of researchers spanning but not limited to, 3D Art designers, Architects, Biologists, Chemists, Computer scientists, Criminologists, Engineers (Electrical and Mechanical) and Physicists, no single solution works well. As HPC is delivered as a centralised service, an ideal solution would be one that meets a majority of the needs, most of the time. The scenario is further complicated by the fact that the HPC service delivered at the University of Huddersfield comprises of several small high performance clusters, a high throughput computing service, several storage resources and a shared HPC services hosted off-site.
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