Lynore Geia, K Baird, K Bail, L Barclay, J Bennett, O Best, M Birks, L Blackley, R Blackman, A Bonner, R Bryant Ao, C Buzzacott, S Campbell, Christine Catling, C Chamberlain, L Cox, W Cross, M Cruickshank, A Cummins, H Dahlen, J Daly, Philip Darbyshire, P Davidson, Elizabeth Denney-Wilson, R De Souza, K Doyle, A Drummond, J Duff, C Duffield, T Dunning, Leah East, D Elliott, Rakime Elmir, D Fergie OAM, Caleb Ferguson, R Fernandez, D Flower AM, M Foureur, Cathrine Fowler, M Fry, E Gorman, J Grant, Joanne Gray, E Halcomb, B Hart, D Hartz, M Hazelton, Leeanne Heaton, Louise Hickman, CSE Homer AO, C Hungerford, A Hutton, D Jackson AO, A Johnson, MA Kelly, A Kitson, S Knight, Tracy Levett-Jones, D Lindsay, R Lovett, Lauretta Luck, L Molloy, Elizabeth Manias, Judy Mannix, AMR Marriott, M Martin, D Massey, Andrea McCloughen, S McGough, L McGrath, J Mills, BG Mitchell, J Mohamed, Jed Montayre, Tracey Moroney, Wendy Moyle, Lorna Moxham, H Northam OAM, S Nowlan, AP O'Brien, Olayide Ogunsiji, C Paterson, K Pennington, Kathleen Peters, Jane Phillips, Tamara Power, Nicholas Procter, Lucie Ramjan, N Ramsay, Bodil Rasmussen, J Rihari-Thomas, B Rind, M Robinson, Michael Roche, K Sainsbury, Yenna Salamonson, J Sherwood, L Shields, Jenny Sim, I Skinner, G Smallwood, R Smallwood, L Stewart, S Taylor, K Usher AM, C Virdun, J Wannell, R Ward, C West, R West, Lesley Wilkes, R Williams, Rhonda Wilson, D Wynaden, Rochelle Wynne
Publication date
Contemporary Nurse
Nurses and midwives of Australia now is the time for change! As powerfully placed, Indigenous and non-Indigenous nursing and midwifery professionals, together we can ensure an effective and robust Indigenous curriculum in our nursing and midwifery schools of education. Today, Australia finds itself in a shifting tide of social change, where the voices for better and safer health care ring out loud. Voices for justice, equity and equality reverberate across our cities, our streets, homes, and institutions of learning. It is a call for new songlines of reform. The need to embed meaningful Indigenous health curricula is stronger now than it ever was for Australian nursing and midwifery. It is essential that nursing and midwifery leadership continue to build an authentic collaborative environment for Indigenous curriculum development. Bipartisan alliance is imperative for all academic staff to be confident in their teaching and …
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