Christoph Böhm, Gerard De Melo, Felix Naumann, Gerhard Weikum
Publication date
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management
Linked Data has emerged as a powerful way of interconnecting structured data on the Web. However, the cross-linkage between Linked Data sources is not as extensive as one would hope for. In this paper, we formalize the task of automatically creating "sameAs" links across data sources in a globally consistent manner. Our algorithm, presented in a multi-core as well as a distributed version, achieves this link generation by accounting for joint evidence of a match. Experiments confirm that our system scales beyond 100 million entities and delivers highly accurate results despite the vast heterogeneity and daunting scale.
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Scholar articles
C Böhm, G De Melo, F Naumann, G Weikum - Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference …, 2012