Maiju Vuolle, Antti Lönnqvist, Giovanni Schiuma
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Publications of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy
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Development of key performance indicators and impact assessment for SHOKs — Tampere University Research Portal Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content Tampere University Research Portal Home Tampere University Research Portal Logo Help & FAQ English Suomi Home Profiles Research units Research output Activities Datasets Research Infrastructures Press/Media Prizes Search by expertise, name or affiliation Development of key performance indicators and impact assessment for SHOKs Maiju Vuolle, Antti Lönnqvist, Giovanni Schiuma Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report Overview Original language English ISBN (Electronic) 978-952-227-868-5 Publication status Published - 2014 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Publication series Name Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön julkaisuja. Innovaatio Volume 27 ISSN (Print) 1797-3562 Cite …
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