Manoranjan Dash, Kee Kiat Koo, James Decraene, Ghim-Eng Yap, Wei Wu, Joao Bartolo Gomes, Amy Shi-Nash, Xiaoli Li
Publication date
2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering
CDR (Call Detail Records) data is more easily available than other network related data (such as GPS data) as most telecommunications service providers (TSPs) maintain such data. By analyzing it one can find mobility patterns of most of the population thus leading to efficient urban planning, disease and traffic control, etc. But its granularity is low as the latitude and longitude (lat-lon) of a cell tower is used as the current location of all mobile phones that are connected to the cell tower at that time. Granularity can range between 10s of metres to several kms depending on population density of a locality. This is one reason why, although there are many existing systems on visualizing mobility of people based on GPS data, there is hardly any existing system for CDR. We develop a Mobility Visualization System (MoVis) for visualizing mobility of people from their CDR records. First of all, given the CDR records of a user …
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Dash, KK Koo, J Decraene, GE Yap, W Wu… - 2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data …, 2015