Md Mahbub Hossain, Abida Sultana, Araish Farzana Shaik, Qiping Fan, Farah Faizah
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Asian J Psychiatry
Psychoanalysis offers unique and personalized approaches to understand the mental processes, diagnose mental disorders, and treat the same (Stolorow et al., 1987). While most branches of mental health sciences focus on positivism and empiricism, psychoanalysis highlights the role of subjectivity in understanding how the mind is influenced by personal experiences, feelings, internal conflicts, and defense mechanisms (Yakeley, 2018). Moreover, psychoanalysis evaluates the environmental factors that continuously interact with the human psyche (Stolorow et al., 1987; Yakeley, 2018). Understanding such dynamics within the human mind has been central to addressing mental illness and promoting positive mental health (Gabbard et al., 2012). In addition, different domains of mental health practice often utilize psychoanalytic approaches as an integral part of providing mental health services (Beutel, 2004; Gabbard et al., 2012). More importantly, psychoanalysis emphasizes on the active participation of the patient, which facilitates shared decision-making in mental health and wellbeing (Gabbard et al., 2012). These benefits of psychoanalysis are recognized in modern mental health research and practice (Yakeley, 2018), particularly for offering a personalized approach to assessing and managing psychopathological conditions.
Since 2015, the “Precision Medicine Initiative” has gained momentum in healthcare, which aims to provide personalized treatment and prevention, considering the individual variability in genomics, lifestyle, and environment (Collins and Varmus, 2015). Databanks comprising molecular biosignatures and neural …
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MM Hossain, A Sultana, AF Shaik, Q Fan, F Faizah - Asian J Psychiatry, 2020