Rosario Gennaro, Pankaj Rohatgi
Publication date
Annual International Cryptology Conference
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
We present a new efficient paradigm for signing digital streams. The problem of signing digital streams to prove their authenticity is substantially different from the problem of signing regular messages. Traditional signature schemes are message oriented and require the receiver to process the entire message before being able to authenticate its signature. However, a stream is a potentially very long (or infinite) sequence of bits that the sender sends to the receiver and the receiver is required to consumes the received bits at more or less the input rate and without excessive delay. Therefore it is infeasible for the receiver to obtain the entire stream before authenticating and consuming it. Examples of streams include digitized video and audio files, data feeds and applets. We present two solutions to the problem of authenticating digital streams. The first one is for the case of a finite stream which is entirely known …
Total citations
Scholar articles
R Gennaro, P Rohatgi - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 1997