Daniel Stokols, Shalini Misra, Gaetano R Lotrecchiano
Publication date
Communication in Transdisciplinary Teams
Informing Science
This volume provides a diverse yet incomplete survey of issues related to communication in transdisciplinary teams. While drawing attention to the theoretical, technical, applied, cultural, and research concerns, the volume only begins to introduce an agenda in need of further development and exploration.
In the epilogue of this volume, we (Misra & Lotrecchiano) chose to engage Professor Daniel Stokols in a dialogue about some of the themes in this volume to get his perspective on its contributions, gaps that remain, and new lines of research on communication in transdisciplinary contexts. Daniel Stokols is a pioneer and innovator in the ‘Science of Team Science’(SciTS) field. Throughout his career he has worked toward conceptualizing social ecology---an integrative, transdisciplinary conceptual mapping system, that provides a metatheoretical framework for understanding and addressing complex societal challenges. Among his most influential contributions is introducing the social ecological paradigm to health promotion research and evaluation and community problem-solving fields (Stokols, 1992, 1996, 2006, 2018). Stokols and colleagues have evaluated the collaborative processes, and the scientific and public policy outcomes of large scale team science initiatives such as the National Institute of Health’s Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers (Stokols et al., 2003; Stokols, Hall, Taylor, & Moser, 2008; Stokols, Harvey, Gress, Fuqua, & Phillips, 2005) and the National Cancer Institute’s Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer initiative (Hall et al., 2008). For over a decade, his theoretical and methodological …
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Scholar articles
D Stokols, S Misra, GR Lotrecchiano - Communication in Transdisciplinary Teams, 2020