Glenn K Bush, Mireille Ikirezi, Giuseppe Daconto, Maryke Gray, Katie Fawcett
Publication date
Study funded by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
1.1 Background
Following recent developments on issues to do with the need to set up an effective monitoring and evaluation of community conservation initiatives between local stakeholders, DFGFI, IGCP and CARE International agreed to embark on a collaborative approach to set up a programme of work to establish social and economic baseline monitoring indicators of the impacts of integrated conservation and development projects (ICDP) initiatives related to conservation efforts around the Parc National des Volcans (PNV), Rwanda. This follows relatively recent large scale surveys to assess social and economic issues related to the management of the PNV. Firstly, a study by Plumptre et al (2004) provided a qualitative baseline of social and economic issues related to park management; secondly, a study by Hatfield and Mallaret King (2003) assessed the economic value of the Virunga and Bwindi protected forests. Whilst these were important entry points to understanding the challenges and key concerns facing forest adjacent communities and suggested ways forward to deal with park people relationships, this approach will be a pilot to specifically establish a long term monitoring programme that can be utilized more widely in the region. As such, it is intended to be flexible, utilizing a selection of participatory and household survey techniques involving the collection of qualitative and quantitative data.
Conservation success depends on how effectively illegal or unsustainable use is controlled. Furthermore, such controls may cut off valuable sources of revenue for many communities. Pearce and Moran (1997) identify that exclusion …
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Scholar articles
GK Bush, M Ikirezi, G Daconto, M Gray, K Fawcett - Study funded by the Rwanda Environment …, 2010