Milan Patel, Anders Heie, Mateera Panichkul, Dandi Lynde-Redman
Publication date
Patent office
Application number
The present invention encompasses an electronic device operated in a communication system (for example CDMA, TDMA, GSM, etc.). The electronic device comprises a method that adjusts a dialing sequence, used to initiate a call, based on the current location of the electronic device. The method adjusts the dialing sequence to add any missing information, such an area code, country code, etc., thereby alloWing the user to only provide a minimum length of dialing sequence When placing a call to a called party. Also, if the dialing sequence is represents one of the emergency numbers, then the method adjust the dialing sequence to use an emergency number used Within a region de? ned by the current location.
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Patel, A Heie, M Panichkul, D Lynde-Redman - US Patent App. 09/846,850, 2002