Anne Bamford, Matt Qvortrup
Publication date
The Danish Arts Council commissioned a review of arts education provisions and quality within Danish folkeskole. Though it is widely considered that Danish education is creative and supportive of arts outcomes, the results of this report suggest that a number of improvements are needed in enhancing the quality of arts education both within school and the informal leisure activities for children. Moreover, in the last round of PISAmeasurement, Danish education scored comparatively poorly on measurements of literacy and numeracy. Given the identified link between arts-rich education and the improvement of quality of traditional core subjects, this begs the question if Danish arts education is as good as has traditionally been assumed.
This report examines the connection between quality education and artsrich education in Denmark. The research places the Danish system of arts education in the context of international research, which indicates that significant improvements in educational outcomes (especially in literacy) are achieved where embedded, arts-rich cultural education is in place.
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