Garen Wintemute
Publication date
The crime drop in America
Not surprisingly, the more guns there are, the more gun crime there is. Many correlational studies, some geographic and some temporal, have established a close relationship between gun availability and rates of gun violence at the population level (Cook 1981, 1991; Hawkins 1997; Reiss and Roth 1993; Wintemute 1987; Zimring and Hawkins 1997). The equation works for individuals, too; keeping a firearm in the home more than doubles the risk that a member of the household will be killed in a firearm homicide (Bailey et al. 1997; Cummings, Koepsell et al. 1997; Kellermann, Rivara, Rushforth et al. 1993).
Access to firearms facilitates particular types of crimes, such as robbery against “harder” targets (Cook and Moore 1999; Kleck 1991). This is particularly the case when the person committing the crime is a stranger to the victim, and such crimes now constitute 44 percent of all violent crimes in the United States (Rennison 1999). Firearms modify the consequences of crime. The use of a gun as opposed to some other weapon increases the likelihood that a violent crime will be completed, particularly in the cases of rape and robbery (Rand 1990, 1994).
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Scholar articles
G Wintemute - The crime drop in America, 2000