Jessica Kansky, Ed Diener
Publication date
Positive Psychology: An International Perspective
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In this chapter, the authors first define the three primary components of conceptualization of subjective well‐being and review the measurements common in well‐being research. They provide an overview of the critical outcomes associated with subjective well‐being including the impact on health, work success, income, relationships, and positive behaviors. Subjective well‐being includes the affective components for both positive and negative emotions. It is important to describe the multiple approaches that have been used to study subjective well‐being. One of the strongest links to subjective well‐being is one's social relationships, in that supportive relationships are one of the strongest outcomes of well‐being. There are many psychological processes and positive behaviors that may underlie the link between relationships with others and the people well‐being.
Scholar articles
J Kansky, E Diener - Positive Psychology: An International Perspective, 2022