Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Fredrik Larsson, Paul Pettersson, Wang Yi
Publication date
Proceedings Real-Time Systems Symposium
During the past few years, a number of verification tools have been developed for real-time systems in the framework of timed automata (e.g. KRONOS and UPPAAL). One of the major problems in applying these tools to industrial-size systems is the huge memory-usage for the exploration of the state-space of a network (or product) of timed automata, as the model-checkers must keep information on not only the control structure of the automata but also the clock values specified by clock constraints. In this paper, we present a compact data structure for representing clock constraints. The data structure is based on an O(n/sup 3/) algorithm which, given a constraint system over real-valued variables consisting of bounds on differences, constructs an equivalent system with a minimal number of constraints. In addition, we have developed an on-the-fly, reduction technique to minimize the space-usage. Based on static …
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Scholar articles
KG Larsen, F Larsson, P Pettersson, W Yi - Proceedings Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1997