Ratih Purnamasari, Apri Andani, Agus Purwoko
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One of agricultural processed product known in the community is melinjo chips which is located in the Village of Meok, Enggano Island, North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Melinjo chips processing activities have been produced by the community from long time ago. This study aim to analyze the added value, the risk level, and the efficiency level of melinjo chips home industry. The basic method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. This research is taken place the Village of Meok Enggano Island North Bengkulu Regency. The consideration is this village has many melinjo chips home industry. The data used in the research are primary and secondary data. Analysis of data used are (1) Value Added Analysis of Hayami Method,(2) Risk Analysis and (3) R/C Ratio Analysis. The research result shows that the added value generated from Melinjo Chips Home Industry is Rp. 8.828, 33 with a value added ratio is 41, 74%. Margin obtained is Rp. 13.150 which is distributed for each factor that is 16, 54% profit, labor income 50, 60% and contribution of other input 32, 86%. Melinjo Chips has a value of coefficient of variation (CV) less than 0, 5 (0, 03) and lower limit value of profit (L) is more than (Rp. 31.895, 23), so that the craftsmen will not get losses, and they will always avoid the losses or risks received will be very small. Melinjo Chips has a R/C ratio of 1, 34, so the business of Melinjo Chips is efficiently executed because the R/C value is more than one.
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