Julia Hyde, Jade Le Grice, Chloe Moore, Shiloh Groot, Jessee Fia'Ali'I, Sam Manuela
Publication date
School of Psychology, The University of Auckland
We sought out innovative scholarship in Māori psychology research through networking and liaising with key contacts in the psychology field and familiarising ourselves with key literature through systematic literature searches based on the terms utilised in the thematic structure of He Kohikohinga Rangahau. We implemented a reconceptualised thematic structure and re-organisation of the bibliography to better validate and foreground mātauranga and ahunga tikanga Māori relevant to the diverse spectrum of psychological disciplines, and compiled them into a final document for publication.
This document builds on and extends prior work of the 2010 edition (see 2010 edition for discussion about whakapapa of this work). As such it is a celebration of Māori psychological research, the validity of Māori led research within the discipline, clever synthesis of mātauranga Māori with western psychological knowledge, and collaborative relationships between Māori and Pākehā. All of which speaks to the growth of the discipline. In alignment with the He Kohikohinga Rangahau, Māori terms in this bibliography are transcribed with their original published spelling, so there is diversity in macron use and spelling. As we intend for this work to be updated in future, please send any suggestions, feedback, and references to Jade Le Grice via email, j. legrice@ auckland. ac. nz.
Total citations
Scholar articles