Sharad Agarwal, Venkata N Padmanabhan, Dilip Antony Joseph
Publication date
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
SureMail augments the existing SMTP-based email infrastruc-ture with a notification system to make intended recipients aware of email they are missing. A notification is a short, fixed-format fingerprint of an email, constructed so as to preserve sender and recipient privacy, and prevent spoofing by spammers. SureMail is designed to be usable immediately by users without requiring the cooperation of their email providers, so it leaves the existing email infrastructure (including anti-spam infrastructure) untouched and does not require a PKI for email users. It places minimal demands on users, by automating the tasks of generating, retrieving, and verifying notifications. It alerts users only when there is actual email loss. Our prototype implementation demonstrates the effectiveness of SureMail in notifying recipients upon email loss.
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S Agarwal, VN Padmanabhan, DA Joseph - USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2007