Véronique Bruggeman, Bram Delvaux
Publication date
3.1 Background
Climate change and climate change measures encompass a large variety of policy sectors, such as environment policy, energy policy, transport policy, agricultural policy and so on. 9 as a result, climate change is not expressly mentioned in the list of Community policies and activities of art. 3 of the EC treaty or other treaty provisions, so that the legal basis for measures combating climate change will depend on the nature of the measure, eg arts 93 (taxation), 95 (internal market) or 175 (environment) of the EC treaty. as there is no general EU competence for energy policy, art. 3 (1. u.) only allows the EU to take measures in the area of energy, energy-related measures addressing climate change (eg Decision on energy savings; Directive on the promotion of renew-
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