Tomoo Katsura, Hitoshi Yamada, Osamu Nishikawa, Maoshuang Song, Atsushi Kubo, Toru Shinmei, Sho Yokoshi, Yoshitaka Aizawa, Takashi Yoshino, Michael J Walter, Eiji Ito, Ken‐ichi Funakoshi
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Phase relations of the olivine‐wadsleyite transition in the system (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 have been determined at 1600 and 1900 K using the quench method in a Kawai‐type high‐pressure apparatus. Pressure was determined at a precision better than 0.2 GPa using in situ X‐ray diffraction with MgO as a pressure standard. The transition pressures of the end‐member Mg2SiO4 are estimated to be 14.2 and 15.4 GPa at 1600 and 1900 K, respectively. Partition coefficients for Fe and Mg between olivine and wadsleyite are 0.51 at 1600 K and 0.61 at 1900 K. By comparing the depth of the discontinuity with the transition pressure, the temperature at 410 km depth is estimated to be 1760 ± 45 K for a pyrolitic upper mantle. The mantle potential temperature is estimated to be in the range 1550–1650 K. The temperature at the bottom of the upper mantle is estimated to be 1880 ± 50 K. The thickness of the olivine‐wadsleyite …
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Scholar articles
T Katsura, H Yamada, O Nishikawa, M Song, A Kubo… - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2004