Rakesh Mistry, Surabhi Mehrotra
Publication date
BP International
As urbanization accelerates, the significance of outdoor space quality in influencing the health and happiness of urban residents becomes paramount. This research delves into the often-neglected aspect of outdoor thermal comfort, examining its dependence on interconnected environmental parameters—Air Temperature, Globe Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Wind Speed—at the neighborhood level. Employing data collected in October 2021 through the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) thermal index, a widely recognized measure for assessing heat stress, the study focuses on six diverse neighborhoods in the composite climate of Bhopal. The result shows that wind speed has a strong negative correlation (-4.7) with relative humidity and a strong positive correlation with WBGT (0.46), Air temperature (0.48), and globe temperature (0.45). Results show the height of the buildings has a positive correlation …