Jennifer S Lerner, Roxana M Gonzales, Ronald E Dahl, Ahmad Hariri, Shelley E Taylor
Publication date
Elsevier Science
Reports an error in" Facial expressions of emotion reveal neuroendocrine and cardiovascular stress responses" by Jennifer S. Lerner, Roxana M. Gonzalez, Ronald E. Dahl, Ahmad R. Hariri and Shelley E. Taylor (Biological Psychiatry, 2005 [Nov], Vol 58 [9], 743-750). This article has been retracted at the request of the authors and/or the Editor-in-Chief. Reason: The original second author of this paper, Roxana M. Gonzalez, has acknowledged that she misreported data supporting an exploratory mediation analysis reported at the end of the original paper. None of the co-authors participated in or had knowledge of the second author's actions. The second author cooperated fully in determining the scope and impact of her actions and in rectifying the research record. The corrected version of this article precedes this notice on pages 253-260 of this issue of Biological Psychiatry.(The following abstract of the original …