Sally Brooks, Melissa Leach, Erik Millstone, Henry Lucas
Publication date
STEPS Centre
Key to the latter is the principle of ‘blending’ the values and contributions of different sectors, so that the Foundations’ traditional role of ‘correcting for’ the market is transformed to one of ‘connecting to’ the market. [...] Incorporating Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTP), BCG, polio and measles vaccines, the programme built on the earlier ‘miraculous’ success of the Salk polio vaccine in controlling the ravaging polio epidemics of the 1940s and 50s, at least in industrialised countries, and on the worldwide smallpox eradication campaigns from the 1960s until 1979 when the world was declared smallpox-free. [...] Hailed in the late 1940s as the key to eliminating the scourge of malaria, and used by the WHO in a massive global eradication campaign through the 1950s and 1960s, it was banned in the US in 1972 as a human carcinogen which had had a disastrous impact on the natural environment. [...] These two …
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