Celia Kitzinger
Publication date
The handbook of conversation analysis
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
The domain of repair was first defined by Schegloff, Jefferson and Sacks (1977) as the set of practices whereby a co-interactant interrupts the ongoing course of action to attend to possible trouble in speaking, hearing or understanding the talk.‘Trouble’includes such things as “misarticulations, malapropisms, use of a ‘wrong’word, unavailability of a word when needed, failure to hear or to be heard, trouble on the part of the recipient in understanding, incorrect understandings by recipients”(Schegloff, 1987a: 210), among others. Repair is used to ensure “that the interaction does not freeze in its place when trouble arises, that intersubjectivity is maintained or restored, and that the turn and sequence and activity can progress to possible completion”(Schegloff, 2007b: xiv). Since the classic research by Schegloff, Jefferson and Sacks (1977) on Englishlanguage repairs (and the substantial body of work by Schegloff that …
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Scholar articles
C Kitzinger - The handbook of conversation analysis, 2012