Priscilla Funduluka
Publication date
The University of Zambia
Non-compliance with the International Code of Marketing Breast Milk Substitutes (ICMBMS) and/or Statutory Instrument (SI) number 48 of 2006 of the Laws of Zambia by manufacturers and distributors is prevalent posing a challenge to successful breast feeding. The World Health Organization (WHO)'s Code of marketing of breast milk substitutes is an important component of the global effort to protect breast feeding. It was developed in 1981, as an international public health framework to promote breastfeeding and ensure safe use of breast milk substitutes when required. Over 84 countries have since enacted this legislation implementing all or part of the provisions. In Zambia it was enacted as Statutory Instrument No.48 on Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes, Regulations of 2006. Factors associated with non-compliance with the code are unknown in Zambia. To determine factors associated with non-compliance with the Code, a study was conducted in Kalingalinga and Chelstone communities of Lusaka. A Concurrent Triangulation method was applied whereby structured questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data and Focus Group Discussions to generate qualitative data. Interviews were conducted with shop owners (80), health workers (8) and mothers (214). Observations provided data on labels of breast milk substitute and adverts (62). Data were analyzed using Stata and NVIVO softwares respectively. Results revealed that feeding bottle picture on the labels [AOR: 22 (95%CI: 4-131)] and infant formula labels resembling follow up formula [AOR: 18(95%CI: 2-172)] were more likely to cause non-compliance among manufacturers …