Tony Bovaird, Elke Löffler, Salvador Parrado Díez
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Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Developing Local Governance Networks in Europe Page 1 Tony Bovaird /Elke Loffler / Salvador Parrado-Diez Developing Local Governance Networks in Europe A 2003/3120 • - \ Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden Page 2 Table of contents Preface 7 Part I: Network Management as a Central Local Governance Issue 1 Emerging Practices in Network Management at Local Levels in Europe Tony Bovaird, Elke Loffler and Salvador Parrado-Diez 9 2 Aims, Approach and Structure of the Book Tony Bovaird, Elke Loffler and Salvador Parrado-Diez 25 Part II: Stakeholder-based Approaches to Network Management in Local Areas 3 The "Citizens' Community" Arnsberg in Germany: Empowering and Enabling Citizens Jprg Bogumil and Hans-Josef Vogel 29 4 Active Local Governance Without Representative Democracy - the Example of the Municipality of Baar in Switzerland Albert Hofineister, Jtirg Diibendorfer and …
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Scholar articles
T Bovaird, E Löffler, SP Díez - Tony Bovaird, Elke Löffler and Salvador Parrado-Díez …, 2002