Gaëlle Le Bot, Lina Xue, Wim Van Petegem, Astrid Van Wieringen
Publication date
Annual Conference of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN)
As economic constraints leave fewer resources available for professional development, researchers and practitioners have become increasingly interested in the interplay between learning, community and technology. They are examining the potential of online communities of practice to enhance and extend traditional professional development opportunities (Booth & Kellogg, 2014). They support the idea that participation in a learning community leads to change practice behaviours (Vescio, Roos & Adams, 2008). According to Booth and Kellogg (2014), in online communities of practice, practitioners “co-construct newforms of meaning and understanding in ways that are individually and collectively valuable, and apply that knowledge in their professional practice”(p. 1).
In addition, for supporting professional development opportunities and continuing education, e-learning technology revolutionise learning and life-long learning for example, in supporting resources and guidelines for participation that are appealing and valuable for busy practitioners (Booth & Kellogg, 2014). The potential of e-learning technology is to extend professional development opportunities in terms of information and community resources available with the benefits of connectivity, flexibility and interactivity (Knight, 2004). E-learning technology should be seen as an interactive tool to support the active involvement of the learner with peers in sharing and creating new knowledge (Kurtz, 2014). In the health sector, e-learning technology gives the opportunity to network with other likeminded professionals for prevention, training and innovation (EC, 2012).
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Scholar articles
G Le Bot, L Xue, W Van Petegem, A Van Wieringen - Annual Conference of the European Distance and E …, 2015