Yun Lin, Jun Sun, Gordon Fraser, Ziheng Xiu, Ting Liu, Jin Song Dong
Publication date
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
In Search-based Software Testing (SBST), test generation is guided by fitness functions that estimate how close a test case is to reach an uncovered test goal (e.g., branch). A popular fitness function estimates how close conditional statements are to evaluating to true or false, i.e., the branch distance. However, when conditions read Boolean variables (e.g., if(x && y)), the branch distance provides no gradient for the search, since a Boolean can either be true or false. This flag problem can be addressed by transforming individual procedures such that Boolean flags are replaced with numeric comparisons that provide better guidance for the search. Unfortunately, defining a semantics-preserving transformation that is applicable in an interprocedural case, where Boolean flags are passed around as parameters and return values, is a daunting task. Thus, it is not yet supported by modern test generators.
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Scholar articles
Y Lin, J Sun, G Fraser, Z Xiu, T Liu, JS Dong - Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International …, 2020