Ramesh Nallapati, Bowen Zhou, Cicero dos Santos, Çaglar Gulçehre, Bing Xiang
Abstractive Text Summarization Page 1 Abstractive Text Summarization using Sequence-to-sequence RNNs and Beyond Written by: Ramesh Nallapati, Bowen Zhou, Cicero dos Santos, Çaglar Gulçehre, and Bing Xiang From IBM and Université de Montréal Presented by: Ehsan Amjadian @RBC Page 2 Summary • Objective: • Abstractive summarization using attentional encoder-decoder RNNs • Main Contributions: • Modeling keywords • Explicitly capturing syntactic hierarchy • Decoder able to emit rare or unseen words • State-of-the-art performance (2016) • Creating and benchmarking dataset for multi-sentence summary summarization Page 3 What is abstractive text summarization • Generating summaries (a few short sentences) that capture the salient ideas of the text • Abstractive: not a mere selection of existing sentences but a compressed rephrasing with potentially unseen words • Why not just use MT …
Scholar articles
R Nallapati, B Zhou, C dos Santos, Ç Gulçehre…