Samuel Finnerty, Mark Levine
Publication date
We aim to describe the experience of collective participation in environmental protest and activism in a series of actions throughout the UK. In essence we are aiming to describe what the activists are doing and why they are doing it. This research builds on our earlier research examining social and moral psychological factors that contribute to engagement in activism (see here: https://osf. io/ej65p) for our preregistered study on the relationship between self, and moral expansiveness, and environmental activism; and here (https://osf. io/4hpzg) for our preregistered study on the relationship between scientists and activist identities and engagement in environmental activism). This study, by examining protest in the situations in which it happens, aims to provide context for our survey and interview research on pro-environmental behaviours including environmental activism. The principal researcher, Sam, will attend protests throughout the UK to conduct this research. This will be especially useful for situating the research in real-world contexts increasing the ecological validity of the overall PhD project. By being with protestors engaged in activism it will be possible to record the kinds of actions employed, banner messages, use of iconography and symbols, shared practices eg, chants and songs, shared identities, and finally interactions between activists, the police, and the wider public. In addition to examining aspects of collective participation corresponding to a shared environmental activist identity we are interested in examining how specific other identities contribute to participation in environmental activism. For example, some scientists employ …