Helen Cowie, Patti Wallace
Publication date
In our experience of working with adults and young people to develop peer support systems in their organizations, we have noticed that the transition to this way of working can be very challenging and even, at times, disturbing. The transition to peer support as a method for alleviating distress in the peer group often involves a major change in the adult’s way of relating to young people; it requires, in particular, a shift towards a more democratic, participatory style of teaching and facilitation. Some adults and young people find it challenging, some are inspired, some become discouraged and others are impelled to sabotage the process (Cowie and Olafsson, 2000). It is our belief that those who decide to develop peer support systems will find that the transition is eased by attempting to understand the process of change that is taking place and by working collaboratively over time with the other participants. Developing …
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