Kirk Warren Brown, Richard M Ryan
Publication date
Positive psychology in practice: Promoting human flourishing in work, health, education, and everyday life
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Self‐determination theory argues that motivational orientations that guide behavior have important consequences for healthy behavioral regulation and psychological well‐being. This chapter discusses the nature of motivation in terms of its relative autonomy and reviews evidence in support of its role in positive psychological and behavioral outcomes. The chapter begins by describing variations in the orientation of motivations as outlined within SDT. It then address factors that impact motivation at two levels: how motivators and social contexts can foster or undermine autonomous motivation; how individuals can best access and harness self‐regulatory powers from within. The chapter demonstrates that autonomous regulation of inner states and overt behavior is key to a number of positive outcomes that reflect healthy behavioral and psychological functioning. Autonomy can be facilitated both from without and …
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