Qing An, Santiago Segarra, Chris Dick, Ashutosh Sabharwal, Rahman Doost-Mohammady
Publication date
IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking
The large number of antennas in massive MIMO systems allows the base station to communicate with multiple users at the same time and frequency resource with multi-user beamforming. However, highly correlated user channels could drastically impede the spectral efficiency that multi-user beamforming can achieve. As such, it is critical for the base station to schedule a suitable group of users in each time and frequency resource block to achieve maximum spectral efficiency while adhering to fairness constraints among the users. In this paper, we consider the resource scheduling problem for massive MIMO systems with its optimal solution known to be NP-hard. Inspired by recent achievements in deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to solve problems with large action sets, we propose SMART, a dynamic scheduler for massive MIMO based on the state-of-the-art Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) DRL model and the K …
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Scholar articles
Q An, S Segarra, C Dick, A Sabharwal… - IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in …, 2023