Marius Kloft, Felix Stiehler, Zhilin Zheng, Niels Pinkwart
Publication date
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 workshop on analysis of large scale social interaction in MOOCs
With high dropout rates as observed in many current larger-scale online courses, mechanisms that are able to predict student dropout become increasingly important. While this problem is partially solved for students that are active in online forums, this is not yet the case for the more general student population. In this paper, we present an approach that works on click-stream data. Among other features, the machine learning algorithm takes the weekly history of student data into account and thus is able to notice changes in student behavior over time. In the later phases of a course (ie, once such history data is available), this approach is able to predict dropout significantly better than baseline methods.
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Scholar articles
M Kloft, F Stiehler, Z Zheng, N Pinkwart - Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 workshop on analysis …, 2014