Sara S Fouad, Essam Heggy, Oula Amrouni, Steffen Nijhuis, Abderraouf Hzami, Nesma Mohamed, Ibrahim Hindawy Saleh, Seifeddine Jomaa, Udo Weilacher
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Adaptive Coastal Transformation to Mitigate the Increasing Risks of Building Collapses in Low-Lying Littoral Cities in North Afr Page 1 P osted on 17 Ma y 2024 — The cop yrigh t holder is the author/funder. All righ ts reserv ed . No reuse without p ermission. — h ttp s://d — This is a preprin t and has not b een p eer-review ed. Data ma y b e preliminary . Adaptive Coastal Transformation to Mitigate the Increasing Risks of Building Collapses in Low-Lying Littoral Cities in North Africa Sara S. Fouad1, Essam Heggy2, Oula Amrouni3, Steffen Nijhuis4, Abderraouf Hzami5, Nesma Mohamed6, Ibrahim Hindawy Saleh6, Seifeddine Jomaa7, and Udo Weilacher1 1Technical University of Munich 2University of Southern California 3National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies, 4Delft University of Technology 5National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology …