Sharon Benheim
Publication date
Israeli and Palestinian collective narratives in conflict: A tribute to Shifra Sagy and her work , Eds: Dr. Adi Mana & Dr. Anan Srour
Cambridge Scholars‎
Although there is a large body of research about programs that bring together Palestinians and Israelis, little has been written about long term programs. Few full-time residential programs where participants from social groups in conflict live, study, and participate in full-time activities together have been reviewed in the literature. This chapter presents initial results of interviews with alumni of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies who completed their participation between 5 and 25 years ago. The voices of these alumni—not yet heard—serve to enrich our understanding of the impact of meeting the other in conflict in a setting that allows the formation of deep relationships. In this chapter participants share their belief in the possibility of a shared peaceful existence in a healthy environment—made so by working cooperatively on environmental challenges. They open up about their lack of faith in the world around …