Jim Hlavač
Publication date
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
The use of single words belonging formally to one language while speaking another is perhaps one of the most conspicuous of alllanguage contact phe nomena. Importation of words from a donor language to a recipient language is a process which interests non-linguists as weIl as linguists, while for a great many bilinguals this process is apart of their everyday speech. This paper seeks to examine the process by which the phonological form of English-origin words is altered or adapted to the phonological system of Croatian and to position these findings in relation to previous studies examining Croatian-English language contact (eg. SurduCki 1978; JutroniC-Tihomirovic 1985; Fili povic 1986, 1990).
In language contact research there is little uniformity of terminology when reference is made to a) the process of an element with language x origins being used in language y discourse, and b) the result or product of this process. Haugen (1956) defines interference as a process, ie.» the overlapping of two languages «, while this process is also partly defined by certain manifestations which are not a product of it, ie.»... overlapping not induding the use of» unassimilated loanwords or of unrecognisable'established loans'«(1956: 40). As a term, interference, has been employed less by subsequent researchers of language contact and is now largely restricted to literature on language acquisition (See Appel & Muysken, 1987). Clyne (1967) adapts Haugen's and Weinreich's (1953) generalist definition of interference by removing references to norm-deviation as a characteristic of it and adopts in preference the term transference. Transference is defined …
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