Terry Hanley
Publication date
The SAGE Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Counselling and psychotherapy in the United Kingdom have developed organically and according to path dependency principles (Aldridge, 2011). Some critics have said they have flowed almost promiscuously into many areas of our lives, so that exactly what they are for, what their goals are, is not always clear. It is possible to state that the overall goal of therapy is to facilitate clients’ own resourcefulness, insight, problemsolving capacities, happiness, and so on, but critics are entitled to question such global terms. As Sandler and Dreher (1996) convey well, it is far from clear to many psychoanalytic practitioners exactly what the legitimate scope and aims of their work are and should be. Freud himself expressed various aims for psychoanalysis at different times, such as symptom removal, making the unconscious conscious, restoring the capacity to love and work, helping clients to move from neurotic misery to …
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