Colin Feltham, Terry Hanley
Counsellingand Psychotherapy
When starting a book such as this, it is important to set some parameters for content that follows. This chapter therefore begins by providing a working definition of what is meant by the use of the terms ‘counselling’and ‘psychotherapy’. The chapter then:
• provides a brief overview of the historical developments related to psychotherapy and counselling within the United Kingdom (UK);• introduces the major counselling and psychotherapy professional bodies in the UK;• discusses how counselling and psychotherapy relate to a variety of allied professions, such as health interventions (psychiatry, psychology and mental health nursing), complementary medicines and other core professions;• reflects upon the values that psychotherapists and counsellors commonly hold onto within the UK. These are discussed in relation to some core issues, such as professionalisation and evidence-based practice.
Scholar articles
C Feltham, T Hanley - Counsellingand Psychotherapy