P Rochus, F Auchère, D Berghmans, L Harra, W Schmutz, U Schühle, P Addison, T Appourchaux, R Aznar Cuadrado, D Baker, J Barbay, D Bates, A BenMoussa, M Bergmann, C Beurthe, B Borgo, K Bonte, M Bouzit, L Bradley, V Büchel, E Buchlin, J Büchner, F Cabé, L Cadiergues, M Chaigneau, B Chares, C Choque Cortez, P Coker, M Condamin, S Coumar, W Curdt, J Cutler, D Davies, G Davison, J-M Defise, G Del Zanna, F Delmotte, V Delouille, L Dolla, C Dumesnil, F Dürig, R Enge, S François, J-J Fourmond, J-M Gillis, B Giordanengo, S Gissot, LM Green, N Guerreiro, A Guilbaud, M Gyo, M Haberreiter, A Hafiz, M Hailey, J-P Halain, J Hansotte, C Hecquet, K Heerlein, M-L Hellin, S Hemsley, A Hermans, V Hervier, J-F Hochedez, Y Houbrechts, K Ihsan, L Jacques, A Jérôme, J Jones, M Kahle, T Kennedy, M Klaproth, M Kolleck, S Koller, E Kotsialos, E Kraaikamp, P Langer, A Lawrenson, J-C Le Clech, C Lenaerts, S Liebecq, D Linder, DM Long, B Mampaey, D Markiewicz-Innes, B Marquet, E Marsch, S Matthews, E Mazy, A Mazzoli, S Meining, E Meltchakov, R Mercier, S Meyer, M Monecke, F Monfort, G Morinaud, F Moron, L Mountney, R Müller, B Nicula, S Parenti, H Peter, D Pfiffner, A Philippon, I Phillips, J-Y Plesseria, E Pylyser, F Rabecki, M-F Ravet-Krill, J Rebellato, E Renotte, L Rodriguez, S Roose, J Rosin, L Rossi, P Roth, F Rouesnel, M Roulliay, A Rousseau, K Ruane, J Scanlan, P Schlatter, DB Seaton, K Silliman, S Smit, PJ Smith, SK Solanki, M Spescha, A Spencer, K Stegen, Y Stockman, N Szwec, C Tamiatto, J Tandy, L Teriaca, C Theobald, I Tychon, L van Driel-Gesztelyi, C Verbeeck, J-C Vial, S Werner, MJ West, D Westwood, T Wiegelmann, G Willis, B Winter, A Zerr, X Zhang, AN Zhukov
Publication date
Astronomy & Astrophysics
EDP Sciences
This erratum concerns the relative spectral response of the HRILya Telescope published in the Solar Orbiter EUI Instrument article (Rochus et al. 2020). It corrects Fig. 24 in Sect. 8.2 of the original manuscript. The published figure was included by mistake, as it showed the response of only part of the optical chain and did not provide the relative response of the entire HRILya Telescope. The difference between the two computed responses is significant because the spectral purity of the band-pass and long-wavelength suppression of the solar continuum was an explicit design driver of the instrument.
Total citations
Scholar articles
P Rochus, F Auchère, D Berghmans, L Harra… - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022