Trisha Greenhalgh, Ellen Annandale, Richard Ashcroft, James Barlow, Nick Black, Alan Bleakley, Ruth Boaden, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Nicky Britten, Franco Carnevale, Kath Checkland, Julianne Cheek, Alex Clark, Simon Cohn, Jack Coulehan, Benjamin Crabtree, Steven Cummins, Frank Davidoff, Huw Davies, Robert Dingwall, Mary Dixon-Woods, Glyn Elwyn, Eivind Engebretsen, Ewan Ferlie, Naomi Fulop, John Gabbay, Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Dariusz Galasinski, Ruth Garside, Lucy Gilson, Peter Griffiths, Penny Hawe, Jan-Kees Helderman, Brian Hodges, David Hunter, Margaret Kearney, Celia Kitzinger, Jenny Kitzinger, Ayelet Kuper, Saville Kushner, Andree Le May, France Legare, Lorelei Lingard, Louise Locock, Jill Maben, Mary Ellen Macdonald, Frances Mair, Russell Mannion, Martin Marshall, Carl May, Nicholas Mays, Lorna McKee, Marissa Miraldo, David Morgan, Janice Morse, Sarah Nettleton, Sandy Oliver, Warrren Pearce, Pierre Pluye, Catherine Pope, Glenn Robert, Celia Roberts, Stefania Rodella, Jo Rycroft-Malone, Margarete Sandelowski, Paul Shekelle, Fiona Stevenson, Sharon Straus, Deborah Swinglehurst, Sally Thorne, Göran Tomson, Gerd Westert, Sue Wilkinson, Brian Williams, Terry Young, Sue Ziebland
Publication date
British Medical Journal Publishing Group
Seventy six senior academics from 11 countries invite The BMJ’s editors to reconsider their policy of rejecting qualitative research on the grounds of low priority. They challenge the journal to develop a proactive, scholarly, and pluralist approach to research that aligns with its stated mission
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Scholar articles