Alan F Rees, J Alfaro-Shigueto, PCR Barata, Karen A Bjorndal, Alan B Bolten, Jerome Bourjea, AC Broderick, LM Campbell, L Cardona, C Carreras, Paolo Casale, SA Ceriani, Peter H Dutton, T Eguchi, Angela Formia, MMPB Fuentes, Wayne J Fuller, M Girondot, MH Godfrey, M Hamann, Kristen M Hart, Graeme C Hays, Sandra Hochscheid, Yakup Kaska, Michael P Jensen, JC Mangel, JA Mortimer, ENGC Naro-Maciel, CKY Ng, WJ Nichols, AD Phillott, RD Reina, O Revuelta, Gail Schofield, Jeffrey A Seminoff, Kartik Shanker, Jesús Tomás, JP Van De Merwe, KS Van Houtan, HB Vander Zanden, BP Wallace, KR Wedemeyer-Strombel, Thierry M Work, BJ Godley
Publication date
Endangered Species Research
In 2010, an international group of 35 sea turtle researchers refined an initial list of more than 200 research questions into 20 metaquestions that were considered key for management and conservation of sea turtles. These were classified under 5 categories: reproductive biology, biogeography, population ecology, threats and conservation strategies. To obtain a picture of how research is being focused towards these key questions, we undertook a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature (2014 and 2015) attributing papers to the original 20 questions. In total, we reviewed 605 articles in full and from these 355 (59%) were judged to substantively address the 20 key questions, with others focusing on basic science and monitoring. Progress to answering the 20 questions was not uniform, and there were biases regarding focal turtle species, geographic scope and publication outlet. Whilst it offers some …
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