Meghan A Crabtree, David R Pillow
Publication date
Personality and Individual Differences
This study tests the Dual Factor Model of Facebook Use (Nadkarni & Hofmann, 2012), which posits that individuals use Facebook to fulfill belongingness and self-presentation needs. Furthermore, it extends the original dual-factor model to include perceptions of network density to predict Facebook self-expression and use. In a cross-sectional online study (N = 312, 67% female), participants completed measures of their frequency of Facebook use, open self-disclosure and strategic impression management on Facebook, perceived density of their Facebook networks, and general belongingness and self-presentation motives. Self-monitoring, indicating the need to self-present, was positively related to Facebook use via strategic impression management and open self-disclosures. There was no overall correlation between need to belong and frequency of Facebook use, however this finding was qualified by divergent …
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