Pascal Knierim, Paweł W Woźniak, Yomna Abdelrahman, Albrecht Schmidt
Publication date
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
While Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are becoming increasingly available, our understanding of AR is primarily limited to controlled experiments which address use at work or for entertainment. Little is known about how it could enhance everyday interaction from a user's perspective. Personal use of AR at home may improve how users' interface with information on a daily basis. Through an online survey, we investigated attitudes towards domestic AR. We further explored the opportunities for AR at home in a technology probe. We first introduced the users to AR by offering an AR experience presented through mixed reality smart glasses. We then used a tailor-made tablet application to elicit photos illustrating how users imagine future AR experiences. Finally, we conducted semi-structured interviews based on elicited photos. Our results show that users are eager to benefit from on-demand information …
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Scholar articles
P Knierim, PW Woźniak, Y Abdelrahman, A Schmidt - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on …, 2019