Alexandre Blanc, Nicoletta Cavazza, Piergiorgio Corbetta, Bernard Fournier, Carol Galais, Gema Garcìa-Albacete, Lena Haug, Ruxandra Paul, Ellen Quintelier, Steve Schwarzer, Dario Tuorto, Eva Zeglovits
Publication date
Ecpr Press
This book presents up-to-date empirical research on crucial questions of political socialisation. It suggests new approaches and answers to a classic, but still valid question of political socialisation research:‘Who learns what from whom, under what circumstances, and with what effects?’(Greenstein 1965: 13). The volume maintains that political socialisation is no universal or independent phenomenon, but one significantly shaped by the surrounding parameters of the society in which it is embedded. Therefore, deficits in political socialisation research have become especially clear in light of political and societal changes over recent decades. The book contributes to two important discussions in the study of political socialisation: first, the question of the (relative) importance of socialisation agents and contexts, second–inextricably interwoven with the first–the timing of political socialisation. From a European perspective, articles in the volume shed light on old problems and topics of the field, using new methodological approaches or dealing with long-neglected perspectives such as young children’s democratic learning or political socialisation. Includes quantitative approaches as well as innovative and explorative case studies.
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