Michael Schneider, Jeremy Carroll, Ivan Herman, Peter F Patel-Schneider
Publication date
W3C recommendation (October 27 2009)
The OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, informally OWL 2, is an ontology language for the Semantic Web with formally defined meaning. OWL 2 ontologies provide classes, properties, individuals, and data values and are stored as Semantic Web documents. OWL 2 ontologies can be used along with information written in RDF, and OWL 2 ontologies themselves are primarily exchanged as RDF documents. The OWL 2 Document Overview describes the overall state of OWL 2, and should be read before other OWL 2 documents.
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Schneider, J Carroll, I Herman, PF Patel-Schneider - W3C recommendation (October 27 2009), 2009