Avinda Dyah Norzistya, Prihadi Nugroho
Publication date
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota)
The existence of business clusters can strengthen the resilience of the economy which mainly rely on existing potential. In 2006, industry and trade sector dominated by SMEs at 99% and approximately 30% of the population of SMEs in Indonesia are in Central Java. One of Klaten district, known as the dominance of small industrial activity. The flagship product of Klaten in 2013 is one industrial clusters batik. Industrial cluster is one of the small industry that has become the main economic commodities in Bayat, Klaten. Batik has been a source employement for the majority of people in Bayat, Klaten. Batik as local economic development able to create an ascsociation with related business like entrepreneur/batik craftsmen, supplier of raw materials, and buyer. The linkage will certainly have an impact on the business dependence. The dependence of batik craftsmen on suppliers of raw materials and the buyer mat ant any time be a time bomb for enterpreneurs/craftsmen batik. Moreover, in its development obstacles in the cluster development such as marketing and promotion. The lack of an extensive marketing campaign and resulted in many employers/batik craftsmen who rely showroom and
Proses pembangunan seringkali dikaitkan dengan proses industrialisasi. Industrialisasi dianggap sebagai satu-satunya jalan pintas untuk meretas nasib kemakmuran suatu negara secara lebih cepat dibandingkan apabila tanpa melalui proses tersebut (Yustika, 2000). Dengan pandangan seperti itulah maka strategi industrialisasi merupakan identik dengan pembangunan suatu wilayah. Pembangunan industri ini tidak hanya diarahkan kepada industri …
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