Jonathan W Warren, France Winddance Twine
Publication date
A companion to racial and ethnic studies
Blackwell Publishers Ltd
Critical race studies has made several advances in Latin America in the past decade. One of the most significant achievements has been an increase in the number and range of scholars focused on dismantling white supremacy in this region. Antiracist scholarship is no longer restricted to a handful of individuals or a few institutions, nor limited to a few national contexts such as Brazil or Cuba, traditional strongholds of critical race studies in Latin America.1 In addition to increasing demographically and expanding geographically, this cohort of researchers has made several important theoretical and empirical inroads. They have augmented the ever‐needed quantitative and qualitative documentation of the multiple dimensions of white supremacy.2 Moreover, considerable progress has been made in the analysis of the discursive and material underpinnings of racism and the identification of sites for effective …
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Scholar articles
JW Warren, F Winddance Twine - A companion to racial and ethnic studies, 2008