Saina Adiban Afkham, Ehsan Khormali, Tommaso Dorigo
Publication date
Handbook of Cancer and Immunology
Springer International Publishing
Today, no area of science is exempt from a tight interaction with technological advances. One of the greatest events of the modern world was the birth of artificial intelligence (AI). After its birth, which can be argued to have been the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, AI research took a tortuous path, rich with moments of enthusiasm and setbacks. In the recent past, driven by progress in computer science and research in neural networks and machine learning, significant breakthroughs were made. Large and small companies have emerged which tried to break down stereotyped boundaries, offering new technological advancements to research across a variety of fields of science. These advancements have strong roots in the interdisciplinary nature of the underlying breakthroughs that made them possible. Artificial intelligence has thus given a new horizon to all fields of science, and medical sciences and biology are …
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Scholar articles
SA Afkham, E Khormali, T Dorigo - Handbook of Cancer and Immunology, 2023