Jill Wilkinson
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand spinal cord injury community. Their perspectives are consistent with the limitations to care reported in the international and New Zealand literature. District nurses have a vital role in supporting the health and wellbeing of people with spinal cord injury but are constrained by a service contract that severely limits their ability to provide all but basic care. Recommendations are for the district nurse context and contract to be re-examined, and for further research about the district nurse role and spinal cord injury-related health services. hoki. He tūranga tono waiwai tō te tūranga tapuhi ā-takiwā hei tautoko i te hauora me te toiora o ngā tāngata kua pāngia e ngā wharanga aho tuaiwi, engari e herea ana e tētahi kirimana ratonga e pēhi ana i tō rātou āhei ki te hora i te taurimatanga i tua atu i te mea taketake anake. Ko ngā tohutohu, me tirotiro anō ngā tohu mō te horopaki o ngā tapuhi ā-takiwā, me ngā kirimana, me haere tonu ētahi atu rangahau mō te tūranga tapuhi ā-tkaiwā, me ngā ratonga wharanga aho tuaiwi.